Wednesday, 4 July 2012


It's here! Higgs boson has shown evidence of its existence, according to the scientists at the CERN's LHC today:


ATLAS and CMS latest results from ICHEP


Official press release:

CERN experiments observe particle consistent with long-sought Higgs boson.

A representation of hte boson's trace. LCH


The boson explained, from Fermilab in USA:

It was just a few months ago that some of my students solved one of the most disturbing queries I had been harbouring for more than 25 years: what are the subatomic particles made of? They explained things about the Higgs boson and the Graviton (wonderful name, isn't it?) in such a simple way that even an arts-oriented mind like mine could easily understand them. That's one of the many good things of having the students I have. And now, at last, we have the offcial statement that confirms the possible existence of THE particle. You can read more about it here and  here.

Great day for science, I guess...

Peter Higgs, the physicist who named the boson, today. Getty Images.