Monday, 4 February 2013

Keep on movin'

A couple of weeks without class, OK, but that doesn't mean you can't keep on reading, listening or speaking the language.
Below are a few ideas to keep you going.

Tip ONE:
"What have been the hinge points in the evolution of Anglo-American literature? Here's a provisional, partisan list."The Guardian.
You don't need to agree, it's just another list, but maybe you'd like to meet Maurice Sendak, a favourite author for several generations now: his books, and the film.

Tip TWO:
London, from very high up but no need to fly, just click to ascend:

The Shard website

Tip THREE:  
Thinking about languages? Got a perfect command of English and want to know what language to study next? Here is an idea: 

That city was Krakow (Poland) as seen in Kristof Kieslowski's "The Double Life of Veronique" (1991), a very beautiful film, don't miss it.

And after so much reading and travelling, what about having a snack? Latest NASA's delicatessen, brought to you by Chef Blas:

Want to learn more? See this or go directly to the lab.