Monday, 17 December 2012

Hear!, hear!

As a prelude to the coming academic holiday, I'd like to share a couple of links to audio resources on the web.

A colleague at school (CULM, I mean) recommended the following one:
Plenty of audio files that you can download (just click on "podcasts") or listen online, and they come together with the full text; easy and interesting stuff, absolutely.


And a student from one of my conversation groups suggested a visit to this one:
Lots of videos and stuff about current life. The girls offer their views on different subjects from a feminist, activist point of view; easy to understand and up-to-date.

Hope you enjoy them; many thanks to E. and V. for their invaluable contribution.

And, coming soon, our traditional Xmas take, a new song to sing over the winter season, stay connected for updates.