Thursday, 13 September 2012

Relative found

Photograph: Hart JA, Detwiler KM, Gilbert CC/PA

Quoting The Guardian:

"A new species of monkey has been found in Africa, only the second time such a discovery has been made on the continent in 28 years.
The finding of the monkey in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is significant, as identification of mammals new to science is rare.
Lesula (Cercopithecus lomamiensis) has a naked face and a mane of long blond hairs, and is described by the researchers who identified it as shy and quiet."

Distribution of Cercopithecus lomamiensis (sp. nov.) and its sister species, C. hamlyni (left), and locations of specimens and observations of C. lomamiensis (right). PLoS ONE.
For the article in The Guardian, click here, and for the full scientific review, as published in PLoS ONE, click here.

Very interesting, we all have relatives we didn't even know of.