Monday, 27 February 2012

Photolog: Winter is over

Today again many more flocks of  Cranes (Grus Grus) have been crossing the skies over Utebo and Monzalbarba, heading northwards. Presumably tonight they'll be resting at the Cinco Villas area before jumping over Navarra early tomorrow on their way to the north, Lapland perhaps?... 

Cranes, 27th Feb 2012, by E.G.
Cranes in formation, Feb 2012, by E.G.
 And, shortly after the last bunch of cranes had disappeared in the distance, a light-flying flock of migrant Black-headed Gulls (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) crossed before my eyes, following the invisible tracks of the much larger cranes. Maybe tonight they will stay together at their safe resting places, just to keep company or mutual protection.

Gulls, by E.G.
 Today I've also  seen the first almond-tree blossom this year, confirming that winter is giving way to a milder, yet dryer spring.

Blossom, by E.G.
And there was Blas, as usual.
Blas, by E.G.