Monday 13 January 2014


"Another wave of arctic air moved into the region Monday night, bringing blustery winds and bitterly cold temperatures that are expected to persist through Wednesday"...
..."Like much of the nation, Massachusetts is in the grip of the polar vortex, a mass of frigid, dense air originating in the polar regions that has broken temperature records, dropping the Midwest into the deep freeze Monday and moving into the East and South today". 
By Catalina Gaitan / Globe Correspondent / January 7, 2014

So this is cold, and a polar vortex is to blame for it.

Polar vortex at Wikipedia

But cold leaves unusually interesting photos, so when the chill hits take your camera and go outside to get some pictures, you never know what you can come across...

See the whole chilly gallery here

You can find more stunning pictures at The Big Picture.